"Hey, quick call?"


  • 18
    Ok, slow call then.
  • 9
    90 minutes later.....
  • 12
    Sometimes a call is quicker. But me being on a call usually involves me listening long enough to work out what the problem is, then fixing the problem while everyone else discusses what to do next and what the issue might be.
  • 3
    @electrineer That gets something stronger than "no" ;)
  • 7
    @atheist Sure, it sometimes is, and I have a (very small) list of people I trust enough to make that decision.

    For most though, it's just "can you spend an unspecified amount of time staring at my screen and working out what I've done wrong because I'm too lazy to solve the issue myself."
  • 0
    I wish I could.
  • 0
    Call only to save them from doing something really stupid. Everything else is a text
  • 0
  • 0
    The urge to call for something that could be wrote in an email or on a chat, when its not an emergency... It sure intrigue me why they think its more efficient.
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