
I took a shit before an interview. And now i have to take another shit before another interview. I cant stop shitting

  • 5
    Combine the activities!

    Saves time! 💩
  • 1
    hell yeah, get out all d dirty shit and give all the good in the interviews. good luck!
  • 4
    Don't mix which ones you're doing in front of a webcam
  • 1
    @We3D just finished 2nd interview which was a technical interview. It went surprisingly well. I was able to answer to almost everything correctly. The only thing i truly had no clue was how https works under the hood. Funny how i completely miss the basic shit but know to answer advanced shit regarding microservices and distributed systems cloud systems etc
  • 1
    Wouldn't leaving a shit be healthier?
  • 1
    You’re shittin me?!
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