
Me coding at Starbucks and this hot chick passing by me stops to tell me:
- I love WebStorm, don't forget to command + alt + L.

  • 32
    I saw a flying pink unicorn with a nice pair of blue boots on the streets today.

    Oh wait, isn't this the fairytale thread?
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  • 29
    Why a fairy tale?

    That mindset of "female developers can't be attractive" that seems so common in the developer community will always amuse me. XD
  • 8
    Was she trying to tell you something there...? Are you a messy coder or something? (: Lol..
  • 0
    That hobo (hipster) at the opposite table:
  • 5
    @Arwym I'd ++ your comment but your ++s are at 42.
  • 8
    @darkness Thanks.

    I don't post often. ^^

    I don't see why my ++ count matters either.
  • 2
    @Arwym I guess because 42.
  • 3
    @Arwym it's a fun number, and is wild card on ASCII table. Possibly why it's been referred to as "meaning of life" in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. By ++ing your comment, it would've messed up the beautiful number
  • 3
    @taylorviktorya I could never have seen that one. I was sure it meant something, though. Thanks for pointing it out. :)
  • 8
    @Arwym to be fair, I saw and interacted with hundreds of software developers. At most, I've encountered a single girl that was ... cute. And not even one who was "hot". But who am I to say? It's not like my appearances makes panties drop or anything.
  • 7
    @arwym as to your other comment...my own opinion: I care much more about technology and fixing problems (usually) than I do about the latest clothing trends or contouring technique so I look plain in comparison to women in other fields. The women I work with are gorgeous, just have similar thoughts on how to spend time. We don't capture the eye, but we're not bad looking. I think that's usually what catches people attention: when women who understand computers also know how to apply makeup. Lol
  • 6
    @taylorviktorya good point. I see many pretty women around me, all brilliant. Some of them even manage to find the time to look extra beautiful. I'm not one of them, but at least try to put on some lipstick and blush.

    It still concerns me when men appear convinced that women can't be pretty and smart at the same time, which is pretty much what makes so many, perhaps at an unconscious level, act so surprised when they see a beautiful woman succeeding or simply acting knowledgeable in fields like ours. It's a myth that, if debunked, would help close the gap a little. :)
  • 2
    @Arwym very true. I hope one day it does get debunked, but until then, I'm all for being "different" because I cam do both
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    Am I the only one curious about what Cmd+Alt+L does?
  • 4
    @Krokoklemme it formats your code
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    Kids, that's how I met your mother
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    @amahlaka not always. Some women, (moms, for example) can function on 15 minutes of sleep every 3 days it seems... (meant to be lighthearted. Re-read and saw it might not come across that way)
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    Funny how women think that make-up makes pretty. In my opinion, little to no make-up looks much better 99% of the time
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    @amahlaka your quote said that women who have time to follow fashion don't have time to debug. There are women who can successfully do both because they require little sleep, I used mothers as an example because they never sleep and still manage to function.
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