Guess who had a 50gb hiberfile.sys

And a 20gb pagefile.sys

This guy!

  • 1
    @theKarlisK Actually it's a 256GB partition on a 2TB NVME. Windirstat saved my butt.
  • 1
    My whole system would fit into 20 GB easily.
  • 0
    I feel your pain, but those are kind of obvious (since they're in the root). What I recently had is Synology ABB taking like 60 gigs just to do a snapshot for a backup, and it wasn't that obvious at first.
  • 0
    Windows calculation for page file etc is broken for large disk sizes, but Windows doesn't give a damn
  • 2
    I have 128gb of RAM, so I set the page file to 4gb instead of completely off in case something needs it. I'll find out soon enough if that was a bad idea.
  • 0
    @happygimp0 what do you even do on a computer with just 20 gb? :P
  • 1
    Back in the day I used to shrink Windows XP to 500 MB because Asus EEE PC 2g Surf only had 2 gigs “hard drive” that was really just a 2gb flash stick wired to the motherboard directly on a USB bus. this is why it had three USBs instead of four.

    I knew everything about this system and how to optimize it. Which files/settings were necessary and which was redundant.
  • 0
    Btw, let's test my memory!


  • 0
    I have a 40GB pagefile. This is because I play heavily modded Skyrim and Fallout 4. The requirements for the packs I play actually call for this.
  • 0
    @ScriptCoded Everything but using Windows.
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