I bought a new pc and am excited about using it, but, Windows wouldn't be Windows if its installation went flawlessly. Facking Windows.

For 4 evenings I've been trying to get Windows 7 installed on it, and it just fails with the sooooo helpful error message 😑 It's missing a driver for a cd/dvd drive but of course it won't specify which, or where to get it. Moreover, I don't even have a facking cd/dvd drive!! Moronic Windows. (I'm (trying to) install via usb). For fuck sake

I tried everything Google had to offer, but to no avail. Now I am just stuck. Silently sitting there... Not coming up with solutions.

I also don't have another laptop or anything so for every idea/attempt I have to go to friends to get it. It just pisses me off. FACKING Windows

  • 3
    Archlinux #ftw
  • 0
    Windows 10 / Linux Mint
  • 0
    Windows 8.1 + Classic Shell is the latest /g/ recommended Windows. Less Telemetry and all that...
  • 0
    @RiderExMachina I thought they back ported the telemetry to W7...
  • 1
    W7 doesn't come with usb drivers. So I couldn't use the installer menu until I found a ps2 mouse and keyboard. You can't imagine how pissed of I was until I found out that thats the problem. Like fucking usb, I know win7 is not the newest os but hell, even back then ps2 was outdated. I was lucky enough my mobo had the ports
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    The Problem is, that you cant Install Windows 7 from a USB device which ist connected to a PC with a usb3.0 Controller. There is No practikal solution for it. The only way ist to Install Windows via DVD or Network. But this DVD Drive must Not be connected via usb!

    Sorry for my bad Englisch.
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    Deepin Linux or Ubuntu gnome well configured
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    @Garrol i think my solution was to have the os on a usb stick in a usb 1.0 port. Almost any mobo has one of that for issues like this
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    Stop using decade old Windows.
    Thank you.
  • 1
    Do you work for the government? If you need Windows, get Windows 10.
  • 0
    I've fixed this issue before 😏
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