A real grand Master coder only needed a notepad and terminal

  • 11
    A steady hand and a magnatized needle.
  • 1
    I'm not a master coder.

    All i "need" is notepad and a terminal as in: all i "need" to build a castle is my hands.

    The minimum things i need to have to do something is not the toolset i would chose to do something.
  • 4
    @magicMirror A trained butterfly and a magnetic disk.
  • 1
    I wrote a packaged .exe in notepad once!

    Didn't work quite as expected, but sort of!
    I was proud.
  • 0
    A telnet connection from dos, a bsd server, using vi (not vim) on production files (php/fi) was my first webdev job. My boss paid for unlimited dialup from home.

    I feel old.
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    @magicMirror That's how Chuck Norris codes
  • 0
    >grand Master coder
    >not vim
    >not nano
  • 7
  • 2
    Notepad? Notepad is proprietary software, no thank you.
  • 0
    Please cut this crap 😫
    Yeh go fucking make something in notepad other than 5 line paragraph from w3school.
  • 1
    I miss notepad
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