Thats my kind of teamwork

  • 10
    Nothing is too much. I prefer to do Nullthing.
  • 1
    Wow also has illustrations!
  • 5
    Ironically, that book is the result of team work of, at least, 3 people.
  • 2
    Pretty bad fuckup on their part. Doing nothing with nobody is a double negative. It means doing something with somebody.
  • 0
    It depends on the people you work with I suppose
  • 0
    @Atlas teamwork means being forced to deal with other people shite ideas and bad attitudes.
  • 0
    @Atlas I think that the definition of "teamwork" is to work together for a common goal, rather than alone surrounded by people, and I also think that if you are lucky enough to find skilled people, you can have a really useful experience.
  • 0
    If the inside of this book isn't blank I'm going to be disappointed.
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