
What could be more annoying than signing out of all accounts to add a new one because I've reached the threshold. This logic is shit!

  • 7
    Are you behind all those "TAP HERE TO F&%# ME" accounts on YouTube?
  • 5
    My dumb brain just recently realized, that I can log into accounts using incognito mode, and it wont screw with the accounts I'm logged into normally. So I wont have to log out of all of my accounts just because I logged into 1 or 2 throw away accounts recently.

    not sure if this case helps you in any way, but it's an option in some cases
  • 0
    @electrineer No, he is responsible for the "here is my telegram" spam.
  • 2
    @electrineer only one of the account is personal… The others are project admin accounts from several clients.
  • 0
    @GiddyNaya so that's a yes?
  • 0
    @electrineer just saying they aren’t temporary accounts. I had wished there was an option for “Replace/remove this signed-in account” instead of a sign-out all
  • 3
    Ah, another issue I avoid without even knowing about it by using different browser profiles for every client.
  • 3
    Google: Sorry but you are not logged in.
    Also Google: Sorry but you are logged in too much!
  • 1
    It’s Google, what do you expect? Their UX has been shitty since inception; only improved a bit with Material 3.
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