Reasons why I love Google and their general attitude

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    You made a wise choice, now time to clean up it's mess 😝
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    Just do the right thing in the right situation. Yes I know that's nebulous as hell...but seek proxy. God dammit where is the Buddha emoji
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    @Letmecode with those ways they're simplifying my life I gladly let them spy as the price tag, and do whatever with it, got nothing to hide nor do i really care.. I stand up for my beliefs and actions, even if confronted.
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    @Letmecode I guess GDPR in general will kind of solve that issue, otherwise it would at least lay ground to an regulation that will.

    Sorry you got #triggerd
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    Screenshot with a phone. You are not worthy devrant lol
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    @KalmyK yeah I should have printscreened, saved as image, sent to phone and Then uploaded it trough the app.. ... harsh words coming from someone not even supporting devRant, lol
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    @namnbyte devrant web or nah?
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    @KalmyK did not know it's on the web as well.

    @Letmecode About the misspelled: Du vet att alla här inte har engelska som modersmål? Yeah, exactly.

    That other part I won't justify with an direct answer, I guess YOUR not familiar with GDPR at all didn't even make the effort to read up upon it. Basicly, one should better leave internet altogether if they're that frightened. I'm not, since the world is not set to fuck us all up other than bringing justice to the ones not behaving themself on the net. But I respect the ones that are terrified, as they probably should be from that I've seen on the back end of ISP:s.
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    You have nothing to hide until you do due to - oh, I don't know - change of political regime (yes, regime), change of cultural norms, becoming a parent, having an epiphany or a change of mind in general (due to e.g. seeing someone close get the bad end of a privacy related stick). Point is: you can't know whether your future you still won't have anything to hide but by then it might be too late.

    Google is giving you a cookie in exchange for your clothes and you're all like: "Mmmm, delicious cookie, wish I had more clothes to give 'em".

    Also (and this might appeal to your Swedish upbringing), you may have nothing to hide but others do. Not everybody is as privileged as you are. "Don't use Google then!" is not the right answer as their and their kin's (Facebook) services are everywhere (and do their utmost to track you regardless whether you use them or not). Why should I change my behaviour due to some rich company's nefarious intentions and actions?
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    Regulations don't come about on their own. Politicians have a ton of shit to do and are manipulated all the time by lobbyists. We therefore need to voice our discontent, take action or at the very least be aware of the implications and consequences of the current model (and your mindset).
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    @freakko I fully buy your comments as valid and reasonable, and can't even answer them in any way, you got my respect and I fully understand that principle you pointed out. Great comment!
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    @namnbyte May you live long privately (!) and prosper! :)
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