
My school blocks all social media websites, so i made a small social media site with chat and going to run it localy on my laptop and they cant block it :D

  • 25
    Home page and the chat
  • 13
    @kvsjxd they block all vpns and proxys they also block uncategorised websites which includes my own websites and some other school cheating sites
  • 11
    github link? 😍
  • 22
    @Naptic the code is still private.
    I was thinking of sharing on github but first i need to refactor my spaghetti code before sharing it online
  • 3
    Put that on github please :)
  • 3
    @cr78 ill put it on github in few days and ill share the link in comment
  • 1
    @DavidKevork Nice, have fun coding :)
  • 4
    Could you not just use IRC? This seems overkill. It's really just an excuse isn't it? 😂
  • 1
    Nice very nice
  • 3
    Really impressive work, be aware that the could still block it if they notice alot of traffic going to a particular ip (particularly if it's hosted on machine with a static IP)it just depends how switched on the admin is
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    @daarkfall i will be hosting on my laptop and to access it they will use lan ip and when they block my laptop from accessing the wifi I can change my mac address and everything should work fine
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    Just subscribing here for the GitHub link...
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    @DavidKevork tor works 100% if the time trust me... I'm a school it guy
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    This looks great, what language and framework are you using?
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    Subscribing for GitHub link. I once tried to do something like that too, but was caught.
  • 4
    We had a shared drive so I made a little chat that used files in that drive as sockets to communicate with all peers in the classroom
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    Subbing for the Github link. Looks like quite a cool program!
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    It looks cool, what lang did u wrote that software?! that allows you to login or register?
  • 1
    Good idea
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    Not if the school has a decent budget and an external company to manage their IT.

    School that the company I work at supports had an incident years ago, (some dumbass teacher was watching porn the night before, opened the laptop up, and blamo, kids saw that shit). They went overboard and spent a shit ton of money on content filtering. Then decided on a thousand other requirements too.
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    @ragnarr023 most schools will not go that far. Exspecialy since doing so could potentially break there own stuff. And even if it didn't it would be so expensive and hard to maintain that it wouldn't be worth it (and yes we do have an external company doing filtering) however even if they do manage to block tors normal functions it's very easy to route traffic through an unlocked website (aka Google, Amazon, Microsoft, etc.)
  • 1
    Great job! See sometimes bad things produce better things (no clue why I'm being wise now just my two cents)
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    @DavidKevork seems like a good idea but is the lan using dhcp? How will people know where it lives?
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    @daarkfall probably a Microsoft DHCP server in which case the DNS will update too. So if his laptop is named "Devtop" then people could access it from say "devtop.school.tld" and the IP will be updated by Microsoft DHCP automatically.

    With that said the networks (guest, student, staff, etc.) Are probably separated a bit so it may become a issue to access. Would be interesting to see though.
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    Leaving this for GH repo
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    This makes me think I should leave my personal projects on here as well since everyone loves this. But I know I shouldn't because I will get a lot rants probably.
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    @tankerkiller125 is devtop such a common name? My laptop is called devtop as well xD
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    Waiting eagerly got github link
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    @DavidKevork a decent network administrator will find the machine name as well. Once you start Mac swapping, I would start hardware tracing. See what hardware you are connecting to and eventually catch you via physically being in the same place.
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    @wildcard that is a cool idea
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    Smart! You could host it on a raspberry pi and hook it up behind a network printer.
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    Which technologies are you using?

    PD: Good luck!
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    @Codex404 haha it was just an example XD mine is not called devtop
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    Just make it peer to peer, and it works on the local network
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    Subscribing for github link!
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    @justin-tamblyn i was thinking of adding peer to peer file transfer and video chat
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    @daarkfall every laptop gets a static ip and my laptops internal ip has been the same from the start of the year, so all i need to do is share the internal ip
  • 6
    I wanna see that GitHub link as well, sounds interesting
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    Subscribing for Github link
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    @DavidKevork actually that sounds like a long lease DHCP address. Kinda like what I have at set up at home. At the end of the year (if you leave for summer break I know some countries don't) you will get a new IP at the beginning of next year.
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  • 1
    @DavidKevork OP delivered
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  • 0
    Amazing! What is your site name?
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