
CTO: Trigger email to everyone when internet goes down. Do this by EOD.
Me: OK
How could I send email without internet.

  • 2
    Well, if your email server is on the lan, you'll still be able to send/receive just fine, as long as the lan itself doesn't go tits up, and as long as you're only looking to alert lan customers.
  • 2
    Otherwise you could suggest text notification via Twilio. Have an external webhook that triggers when a ping fails for a specified amount of time or something.
  • 5
    Only option then is to get on e(mu)-mail.
    Gotta buy some of those well trainable and trusted office flightless birds. Can't go without them in 2017.
  • 1
  • 3
    @chadd17 that paper is amazing ;)
    Flighted is also an option.

    I recommend the modern office emu for in-house transportation of larger data, digital or physical, including people!
    You got someone at the front desk wanting to get to R&D at the other end of your building? Emutaxi away!

    Also the Dromaius Novaehollandiae can reach speeds of 30mph -- -- it brings hilarious entertainment and lunchtime wacky races which increases worker happiness tenfold. :D
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