
But what if it's not imposter syndrome and you just suck?

  • 16
    You should be a Motivational speaker
  • 8
    I am switching tech stack these days, so I'm a total noob again. I read an interesting article on imposter syndrome but wondered.

    What if I just suck that's all there is to it?

    What if people who suck just blame it on imposter syndrome and don't deal with the actual sucking?

    Imposter syndrome is a thing, but just sucking at what you do is also a thing.
  • 4
    This is so depressing 😑
  • 0
    See: Peter Principle
  • 3
    Well it's not really the kinda thing you assign to yourself anyway.

    Like no-one says "I have imposter syndrome". That just doesn't work and anyone who says that is either stupid; and doesn't know what it means or an asshole who does just suck.

    Other people say you have imposter syndrome, and if they are saying it then you probably don't suck.
  • 1
    To clarify in the above. Why you can't say "I have imposter syndrome":

    If you say that, then you are acknowledging that you don't really suck and that you're suffering from the syndrome.
    However by acknowledging you don't suck then you are not afflicted by imposter syndrome.

    Ergo, anyone who says "I have imposter syndrome" is causing a paradox that could destroy the universe.
  • 1
    That's just what Imposter Syndrome wants you to think...
  • 1
    Join the club. Daily battle over here - "Maybe I'm just imposter syndroming. Or...maybe I really am a talentless idiot who somehow fooled my company into hiring me."
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