
* Good salary
* Interesting work (ML in my case)
* Respects employees
* Startup culture
* Somewhere I can make a difference
* Doing something worthwhile (green energy/healthcare/etc)
* Freedom to try and fail

  • 0
    I really like the one for freedom to try and fail! At one place, if you messed up, it resulted in a massive memo, where at least names were left out. A lot of the times, you were left wondering if you were one of the ones who did it wrong, because you were never "coached" one-on-one.
  • 1
    @amlove32 that's crazy. Companies that don't understand that we need to try and fail don't understand agile or iterative - they may say they do but it's bullshit if they can't grasp this idea.
  • 0
    My company in a nutshell, the freedom to fail is awesome, but can create some extra work lol. Nice to have the option though lol.
  • 0
    Hello, everyone! I think that any boss needs an assistant who can help him control the work of his subordinates. I myself am the head of a large department and I have not always been able to track how productively my employees work. But then I got a great platform that helped me to monitor everyone's work from my seat. Just follow the link https://fluix.io/industry-renewable... and you'll find out for yourself how it works.
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