
June 15. Freezing as fuck. 2019 i remember as the worst year because it was cold until may 25th. Thought it couldnt get worse than that. It has happened for the first time ever. Great fucking job 2023. You've outfucked the fuckery and took the 1st fucking place for the worst shithole year. Even covid year was better than this. What is this bullshit. I am tired of freezing to death in the middle of summer. In the middle of JUNE. Fuck off

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    It's 30 degrees here, and Serbia is, AFAIK, at a similar latitude than my city, with similar climate.
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    @CoreFusionX bro in this shithole country in 1 city it's a storm and raining with floods while in my city it's peaceful and sunny. Or vice versa. As if it's 2 different countries light years far away. And ur comparing it to your country. Of course its gonna be entirely different here no matter where you are
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    Doesn't matter if you have it cold or hot, the answer is always climate change! Before the climate change happened we never argued about the weather /s
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    @retoor I do think there is an important role these two things play. We are in a transition year from La Niña to El Niño. These years are usually harder to predict. It will get hotter. However, we are also nearing the suns solar minimum estimated in 2030 to 2040, but also we have seen a spike in global average temperatures despite all the factors that should be pushing the average lower
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