Quiet working environment (aside from hearing a joke from time to time)

Fast computer, lots of screens, keyboard and mouse of my choice

Good product owner that doesn't accept bullshit request into the sprint

No legacy crap

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    Once it's in production it's all legacy crap son.

    Completely agree with all your points, but find a way to deal with the tech debt that gets you through. Alcohol. Alcohol helps.
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    @jmacmi2 yeah, I am fine with it, I guess. I've been doing most of my career. I hoped that at least once I'd get to do things the right way. Closest I got is to clean up just 6 month shit (new project on ASP.NET WebForms in the year 2015). The rest have been much more.
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    @AndSoWeCode Mother fucker do you work with me!?

    I've just been cleaning up a similar platform... 2016 build asp.Net (1/2ish) with microsoft's old "what if we tried to com component on the web" thing.

    It's more common than you think, you're not the only one... but break up the day somehow or you'll lose your mind.
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    @jmacmi2 need a hand? I'm actually starting a new job soon, but I'm a bit skeptical whether it will turn out to be what they promise it to be. Words and promises were different from experienced reality at the office.
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    @AndSoWeCode haha, well my guys are avoiding taking on someone else in .net, because the majority of the devs are Java.

    Otherwise I'd be glad for an offer of help.
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