So I lost £40 and had to spend ANOTHER £40 to pay my friend back that I couldn't fucking afford. Why is the world just giving me a constant barrage of shit and fuckups that make me want to kill myself more each time. Fuck this shit, 8m so tired of it. FUUUUUUUHSLWNX DNSISY ,83+£;£)# JDTCVOSMDD ARGHHHH

  • 2
    Pass me a paypal mail address
  • 2
    @Kimmax if you're joking, please don't, if you're being serious, I appreciate the offer but I don't feel it's right and I didn't rant to try to get money, just to rant.
  • 0
    What happened??
  • 0
    @CodeMasterAlex I left my wallet on the table in my home (bedsit) and I think either I lost it or some cunt pocketed it... Fml
  • 1
    @DucksCanCode I'm being serious. It didn't seem like you wanted to get money, I just thought I could help out
    Keep going, it will pay off sooner or later
  • 0
    @Kimmax I understand that, thank you for offering, it's nice to find a friendly person rn. I'm doing my best but it's kind of hard when you're already a £1000 in debt and your rent takes a lot of that.

    Thank you for the offer again and the support, that means a lot more than money. Hope you have a good day :)
  • 4
    @Kimmax nice profile website btw ;) I have a feeling it's sanitized though... Sadly.

    ' OR 1 = 1; UPDATE [dbo].[users] SET [upvotes] 999999 WHERE [USERNAME] = 'Kimmax';
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