Anyone else have trouble with real life common sense?

Story time:
Yesterday Evening a dog chased my best mate's cat up a tree. Being the genius I am, I decided to climb after the adorable bugger. Fell from about 8-10ft onto concrete slabs on my back.

Main thing first: I got lucky, CTs and X-rays showed no lasting damage. I'm back home and safe now.

What got me was going through the hospital having to hear the story of how I fell out of a tree onto my back and head like an idiot... from medical person to medical person.

I was lying in the bed, thinking "I swear I'm competent!? Why do people trust me!?"

Does anyone else have any weird skill black spots, or common sense break downs?

  • 3
    Apparently common sense is for idiots.

    Whether or not that's a massive dose of irony, I'll leave it up to you to decide.
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    Haha how do you mean? Idiots have more than others?
  • 3
    Na you are just getting fat like me because you spent too much time in front of a screen
  • 1
    Trust me, your story is definitely not the funniest medical people will tell around.
    Imagine how many people with stuff in their butt end up in the hostpital?
    Or imagine how many broken penisses they get to see.
  • 3
    @Linux haha yeah that could be it too

    @qbasic16 it may not be the funniest but it's definitely stupid, appreciate it.
  • 1
    Don't worry. Common sense is so rare these days, it's practically considered a super power now! Or should be, at least.
  • 2
    @theOverseer aye, I'll remember not to put it on my CV though. Haha, cheers!
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