Working with surds recently, and found some cool new identities that I don't think were known before now.

if n = x*y, and z = n.sqrt(), assuming n is known but x and y are not..

q = (surd(n, (1/(1/((n+z)-1))))*(n**2))
r = (surd(n, (surd(n, x)-surd(n, y)))*surd(n, n))

s = abs(surd(abs((surd(n, q)-q)), n)/(surd(n, q)-q))
t = (abs(surd(abs((surd(n, q)-q)), n)/(surd(n, q)-q)) - abs(surd(n, abs(surd(n, q)+r)))+1)

(surd(n, (1/(1/((n+z)-1))))*(n**2)) ~=
(surd(n, (surd(n, x)-surd(n, y)))*surd(n, n))

for every n I checked.


s/t == r.sqrt() / q.sqrt()


(surd(n, q) - surd(s, q)) ==
(surd(n, t) - surd(s, t))

Even without knowing x, y, r, or t.

Not sure if its useful, but its cool.

surd() is just..

surd(j, k ) = return (j+k.sqrt())*(j-k.sqrt())

and d() is just the python decimal module for ease of use.

  • 4
    Ah yes, the math. Yeah I know math. I do the math to the numbers every day. In fact I am math-ing right now.
  • 13
    This is abs(surd())
  • 6
    Ah, going hard on coca leafs again?
  • 8
    I won't even pretent to understand what you're saying 😁
  • 3
    @netikras don't worry I can pretend for you!
  • 3
    @bigmonsterlover you're welcome to come over to join the party at the asylum any time.

    most of the guests have arrive already and got comfortable, but most of the guests are imaginary so theres more drinks for the real people!
  • 2
    @Sid2006 How hard are you mathing right now?
  • 3
    @retoor mescaline.

    went on a spirit journey.

    the great spirit was just the guy from the fitness pacer test.

    he had the face of hank hill, which morphed into a series of others, including john nash.

    For some reason matt damon was there, but all he was doing was eating in every seen and smirking like the devil.
  • 1
    @lorentz not even sure if I've used the term correctly.

    Think technically its what they call a complex surd because of the whole number component of some of the variables.

    Fuck if I know.
  • 2
    @Wisecrack it was a pun on the word "absurd"
  • 0
    @lorentz, dare I say, it was preposterous!
  • 3
  • 3
    @Lensflare that meme never gets old.
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