
What could be worse when Technical Manager forcing you to write SQL Scripts inside C# Code as:

List<String> items = SELECT * FROM table

And not accepting to argue with me as I am a noob according to him

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    Will it even compile? Don't mind me I don't know sql
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    @Letmecode I left the job three years ago and yes I was the only dev there but luckily GM was a dev and I talked to him, then that incident never ever happened again 😌

    @dontPanic visual studio instantly thriwed a red line but what is evwn worse that guy asked me to hit the run button and when visual studio didn't run the software, he just said: check ur code for bugs!
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    @Letmecode what do you know, crazy world 😒
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    @lukegv ya but the code he told me to wrote is a valid SQL Script and a LINQ code :/
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    What's wrong with LINQ? It is quite useful. 😉
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    @qbasic16 I doubt he has a clue what LINQ is 😓
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    @runfrodorun & @qbasic16 what happens is I told my manager that I was not able to fetch data from the table, I'm receiving SQL Error and was asking about the structure of the database since no one bothered to tell me about it.
    Long story short, manager told Technical manager to come help me, the guy came to help and saw me writing a lambda on the result which of course was throwing an exception instead of data, so he told me to replace all Select(x => x.FirstName) with "SELECT FIRSTNAME FROM tblUsers"
    He thought the lambda select was identical to sql select statement so he simply removed a C# function and wrote pure SQL Script inside a C# file without the string quotes "" and the result was already assigned to a subclass of ICollection!

    So ya he wasn't trying to load entire database nor an entire table, just forcing SQL Script inside a C# page and expecting compiler to simply understand and produce result
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    @gitpush lol, what a dummy
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    @qbasic16 I was lucky to leave though it took me a year to get tired from this
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