Does anybody really know how to pronounce the popular web-server software "XAMPP" because the internet seems more confused than I am.

I pronounce the word as Samp.

-- I found a video pronouncing it as Shamp:

-- Found another video pronouncing it as Zamp:

-- Found yet another video pronouncing it as X-amp:

Like what exactly is the real pronunciation?

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    i thought it was a play on "champ", so shamp (we mostly use the x with that sound in portuguese)
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    There is no real or correct pronunciation. How would you even define it?
    The closest that you can get to is using the pronunciation that most of the others use.
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    X a m p p

    Abbreviations are not words.
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    @iiii you probably mean acronym but you're wrong either way
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    @lorentz /nd͡ʒɪŋks/
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    @electrineer /nji:ŋks/ (emphasis on /nj/ but I don't know how you added that)
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    Responding to the original question, I'm now convinced that it's a spanish word pronounced exactly like hump.
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    @electrineer why wrong? Acronyms do not conform to regular word rules
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    @lorentz wait, is GIF actually /jif/ instead of /gif/ or /ˈdʒif/
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    @lorentz you mean hamp :)
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    I call it, "no not that one, the other one...first ones not working...dunno why"
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    git, gif, jira, azure, …
    Pronounce it however you like, I don‘t care.
    But I dare you to pronounce feature as "future"! 🤬
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    @Lensflare some pronounce it as feaTchure 🙃
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    X - X / cross-platform
    A - Apache
    M - MySQL
    P - Perl
    P - PHP

    So pronunciation would be each letter for its own.

    Though the acronym is completely retarded and bogus.

    Apache is dead. Perl is dead. MySQL is since Oracle imho a buggy piece of shit.

    How about not using an acronym that basically says: You have no idea what you're doing, but it's evident it's wrong?

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    The past is gone. Let it die.
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    I just stick to "the php thingy you used to need for windows but not anymore thanks to docker" (or "tptyutnfwbnattd" for short) because it doesn't come with Xdebug/MongoDB and you need an extra script to alias multiple php-versions in Windows. It was really useful but has outlived its purpose imo.

    btw, why does it come with Perl? I genuinely don't know what Perl was used for in web development back in the days..
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    Just like SQL two pronounciations are okay

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XAMPP says

    XAMPP (/ˈzæmp/ or /ˈɛks.æmp/)

    So 'Zamp' or 'X-amp'

    But unfortunately your 'Samp' is not okay ;)
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