Worst sorting algorithm in your opinion?

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    Instagram. It's absolute shit. Gives me week old posts and always not what I want to see.
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    while !(sorted) shuffle()
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    @RazorSh4rk Good ol' Bogosort
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    I don't know, i only know the Sleeping Sort is the best with positive numbers :3

    After the joke, i think is the linear l and switch algorithm. I don't know the real name, but i intend the algorithm who read the data from the start to the end in pairs, and if el1 > el2 switch them.
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    @bthrsmynmbr YES!
    It's boring with big quantity of data
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    @eisterman There are actually ways to make bubblesort suck way less. Still sucks though.
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    @jhh2450 yeah I know right, it's so annoying. Would this be because instagram is now owned by fb? Or was the sorting shit before they were bought out?
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    @jhh2450 same for facebook.

    Try and find the most recent feed, I dare you.
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    @juniordev Pretty sure it was post FB purchase. They think their algo knows what I want, but it's fucking trash.

    The post suggestion algo is even worse. It'd give me memes in languages I can't read; pictures of cameras, and I hate photography; pictures of airplanes and shit, yet I hate them; list goes on and on. And it's not just one or two of these posts...no that'd be too easy. I'm talking dozens of each kind.
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    Monkey Sort ftw 🙈🙉🙊
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    Premium hotels and resorts
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    Bthrsmynmbr bthrsmynmbr = new Bthrsmynmbr();
    bthrsmynmbr.print("Welcome to devRant!");
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    Sort(arr){ console.log('Sorted arr:', arr); };

    A clean simple and straightforward one line solution
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    @bthrsmynmbr welcome to devRant!
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    @No-one Some factory in Bangladesh, there's a thousand children sitting behind shitty recycled computers, dragging and dropping items in the right order. They're all fed stimulants to sort faster, their eyes staring hollowly at yellow monitors. One tear flows down a cheek, the clicking stops for a second. You clicked the sort by date button in windows explorer, and it's unresponsive. The kid is dragged away, screaming for its life...
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    @bthrsmynmbr No problem! Happy to hear!
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