‎Nobody needs CSS anyway.

  • 17
    Dude css doesn't suck.
  • 5
    Looks like negative margins and z-index should work fine, not responsive but that could be overridden in a mobile media query.
  • 32
    I like the first comment. Go with the ASCII solution 😆
  • 3
    @arcadesdude this, and ofc the content div is a wrapper for links and actual content

    The design actually goes easier if you write the mobile sizes first and progressively build it out for the bigger ones with more forgiving space to work with, rather than taking the less stressful eat-your-icecream first method we all have ingrained.

    Also eat your fucking salad I don't care if "it sucks" developers in Somalia would kill for an employer who "only supports IE 9".
  • 1
    @unfuckers-inc ice cream salad mmmmmmm 🍦🌮
  • 1
    Isn't that just a fieldset with a legend...
  • 0
  • 6
    Imagine how fast such a site would load... The internet would actually be usable again!
  • 1
    Damn, the dude got skills! Well done
  • 1
    is. a
    perfectly fine

  • 0
    That's really cool, now I want to make a whole website like that
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