
Well this is a bug...

  • 6
    Multiline calc and brackets are your answer
  • 2
    i still fail to understand how Casio returns 1.
  • 8
    @C0D4 6/(2*(2+1))
  • 11
    @C0D4 not sure if troll but it interpreted it as 6 / (2*(2+1)) which is uhhh.. 1
  • 2
    @dontPanic @chch
    hahaha, but that’s not the input.....
  • 5
    @C0D4 depending on where you live and how old you are it is.

    In the past in the netherlands multiplication was done before division. Nowadays not anymore. But I know of more countries (US included I think) where this was the stamdRd in the past.
  • 2
    @busuu so then it would be

    What then?
  • 4
    @busuu Are you trolling? What's *inside* the parentheses has highest precedence, nobody's questioning that.
  • 6
    @robzombie111 What kind of rule is that? It's left to right for division and multiplication.
  • 3

    you forgot left to right.
    your equating in the wrong direction.
  • 1
    @robzombie111 that depends on where you live. division and multiplication are the same weight so read from left to right.

    That is how its in the netherlsnds, but my grandmother learnt it the way you said. And my father learned both.
  • 3
    Really people , both are correct and incorrect at the same time.

    As lomg as we dont know where OP lives and how old this photo is we cannot know what is right and what is wrong.
  • 4
    Android is taking it wrong like this:

    the calc like this:

    the calc wins in mathematical way, so be carefull when calculating multiexpressions in the android at least use it properly
  • 3
    @muli353 again its a localisation issue. Never heard of schrödringers calculators?
  • 2
    @robzombie111 yes thats how they learned it 50 years ago. Its not the correct way anymore in the netherlands.
  • 1
    @C0D4 that's the point of the post.
  • 1
    i know, semi trolling here 😂

    the fact that an equation can return multiple results is insane when all equations are suppose to follow a universal order of operations so no one can get it wrong.

    doing multiple hyphens breaks things on iOS in comments.
  • 4
    No one has mentioned the name yet, but the correct accepted order follows the BODMAS/BIDMAS rule, which is as follows, in order of highest priority:


    According to this rule, the iPhone is correct. However, if I remember rightly, a lot of school-grade "scientific" calculators didn't have enough memory to perform this analysis more than once, hence would make mistakes like this quite often.
  • 3
    If anything, this just proves the importance of brackets in your calculations.

    For what it's worth, in my region, I would expect "1" to be the correct answer to this
  • 4
    @itsdaniel0 er... No, you'd expect 9? We were taught bidmas in school, for me that was only a decade ago. Brackets first (ans: 3), then division, (also 3), then the multiplication (3 * 3 = 9)

    We're from the same region, so unless they changed this for some unknown reason, you shouldn't have been taught to do anything else
  • 1
    @monr0e That is indeed the correct way 😂
  • 3
    @monr0e bidmas is wrong in most localisation though,
    Addition and subtraction have to be read from left to right.
    Division and multiplication have to be read from left to right.

    5*4/2*10 should equal to 100 and not 1
  • 5
    Wow... In Greece it's totally different... The order of precedence is:

    1. Parentheses ( )
    2. Brackets [ ]
    3. Squiggly brackets { } (starting from the innermost and finishing to the outermost)

    then it goes as:
    a. Power X^Y
    b. Multiplication and Division (order doesn't matter)
    c. Addition and Subtraction (order doesn't matter again)
  • 3
    The only good answer is : "error: ambiguous notation"
    Stop trying to argue if your way of interpreting it is the 'right way'. Those are just conventions (different everywhere) to get rid of ambiguity and make easier the life of teacher. (They don't want to argue like here after each exam)
  • 3
    I'm in HS in Hungary
  • 2
    This is pretty cool. Never knew that everyone was taught math in different ways. For example, for me multiplication and division always had the same priority, same for addition and subtraction. Though implicit multiplication(without * sign) has higher priority than simple multiplication. What I'm saying is:
    6/2(1+2) = 1
    6/2*(1+2) = 9
    To me it sounds weird that some were taught that multiplication has higher priority than division as they are just inverse actions. But that's just the way I was taught.
  • 4
    @sSam It depends on whether people bother using brackets to group the operations. Otherwise it's free interpretation! 😅
  • 1
    I wonder whether the calculator programmers had the same discussion.
  • 4
    @Qaldim I believe math shouldn't be up for interpretation and should have universal set of rules.
  • 1
    Actually it is both 1 and 6
  • 2
  • 1
    I learnt division first, but when coding I use explicit brackets.
  • 1
    Calc must have some weird settings.
    For quite some time people interpret division as fractions.
    You construct fractions like this: (a*b)/(c*d) in the place of * can be any operator. Also, you can omit any of the letters.
    Many mathematical proofs are standing on top of this.
  • 2
    @robzombie111 the best way to not make your mistake is to use GEMS


    This more easily shows that multiplication and division are grouped together, and should be done left to right rather than in literal order
  • 2
    @chch Hey! What I would like to point out is that even after the manipulation inside brackets has been done but basically it's still there.
    You are perfectly right in case of division before multiplication in this case but here it's not normal * multiplication! First brackets should be done means they should be gone! So 6/2(3) still has brackets! We should solve this 2(3) first and then the division and then *.
  • 2
    I work in a school in the UK and we teach BOD/MA/S

    Division and multiplication from left to right
    Addition and subtraction from left to right
  • 1
    Has anyone ever tried typing
    into the black calculator?

    I wonder if it would say 9 then.
  • 1
    @Niddam I just did but bot give 9. This photo must be from an older batch.
  • 1
    @faheel was there the same discussion?
  • 1
    @faheel I already negated it .....
  • 1
    I did not saw such a post... @Qaldim @faheel
  • 4
    @muli353 I can't say I remembered the posted image, though this one has some modifications on it. Since it already exists, it has escaped my radar.
  • 1
    I asked my mom it is actually 1
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