I once had to deal with GoDaddy customer support telling me their servers only support putty for SSH.
Well, fuck you! I use Linux and I SSH with a single command in terminal, no doubt putty is great but get your senses straight that putty is not the only way to SSH when you are being customer support for a tech company, don't just fucking recite a phrase list. Besides, they should understand Windows with putty is not the only way to SSH into servers, juicessh via Android, openssh via Linux, etc...

*btw, before you all rant about me buying from GoDaddy, I was lead dev for a startup few years back and they had already bought it from GoDaddy. Ofcourse they also provide free offers along with an order, which often includes email addresses, annoying support, gut-wrenching quality of service access...

  • 6
    I don't expect call centre staff to be technically capable at all. The GoDaddy team will have a script to cater for their most common calls. They'll not be expecting many experienced devs running Linux to call in. This script will simply talk about putty and that's the info the agent will give - they'll not have a clue what it means. Don't hate too much - I suspect it's a horrible job.
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