Client: Please fix the logo.
Me: Okay, what needs to be fixed exactly?
Client: Put this word next to that word(shows me an example).
Me: Okay, no problem.
*after 5 minutes*
Client: You did not do what I asked for. Please fix the logo. Make it look better. Make it bigger and more outstanding. Dont change my logo
Me: Okay, I will revert the changes.
*Reverts to the old logo, and only does that as I do not fucking know what to do with oudstanding for fucks sake*
Client: I will talk to your boss. No one cares. My web site is not even finished and no one cares.
*It is finished, now the client looks for small things to make a big issue of*
Me: Could you please tell me in detail, what do you need to be fixes?
Client: I want the wording better. Im going to talk to your boss...

well fuuuck fucking fuck Im pissing blood!!!!!!!!!

  • 18
    Submit it to clientsfromhell!
  • 10
    lol, I have a client like that. Just today she sent another email saying she doesn't want the logo to be big. She only reply once a week.
  • 8
    Sounds like a real asshole.

    Hope that person gets what is coming to them. There is a line between knowing what you want (and conveying it properly), and being a fucking arsehole; this person is standing waist deep in the latter.
  • 6
    Client like that must be terminated, from earth
  • 0
    What country are you in?
  • 1
    I have a few clients that I record 100% of phone calls because, in real time, they would do this.

    "Move the logo to the right. Great. Now remove the text. Change the color. WHAT THE FUCK? WHY IS THE LOGO ON THE RIGHT? LOOKS LIKE COMPLETE SHIT."

    I'm sorry, valued customer, but please excuse me for a 5 minute suicide break.
  • 1
    Oh btw we lost that client that day..
  • 0
    @duckduckgo that doesn't sound like a "loss".
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