
This may sound odd but I find myself more productive when I use linux. The whole environment kind of helps me to concentrate on the work.

Bad news is I always Windows 😞

  • 7
    Dual boot. Linux for work. Windows for play.
  • 7
    @agentQ I try to balance somehow. I don't like switching between os. Kills my mood.
  • 8
    Linux for everything except World of Warcraft.

    Managed to get everything working that I need working with Linux - except that bloody game.

    I feel more interactive with the system when I am using Linux - like I am in control and the computer does what I tell it to do.

    Windows just plods along, and helps me out here and there.

    That being said, I quite like Windows - and I quite like Linux. Had an equal amount of joy and hell with the both of them.
  • 3
    Yep, same here. Not sure why, but I'm always more productive when writing in Linux. Maybe it's because it makes it look more like I know what I'm talking about...

    That, and if I boot in to Windows, I'll inevitably end up on Steam.
  • 1
    Same! Reason is simple - no testing in IE 😀
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    @rtfm Hmmm, this sounds like something that I might try.
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    @rtfm hmm, the tempatation will be there - but the power of coding will keep me back. For some reason or anoyher, I can get lost for hours in code and not bat a thought about it, but if I game - I tend to feel a bit guilty after about 9 hours.
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    a soul mate...
    you are not alone, my friend
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    I don't know why but it's true for me too. i can be only productive and get shit done when i'm on my Mint kde ! I only use windows for game. dualboot. everybody wins :)
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    @tylerjackoliver hehehe i know your pain man, it happens to me all the time :) i don't even have steam on my linux partition and laptop, just in case.
    Keeping thing separated helps me a lot, the only problem is that youtube works on any platform :D
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    Seriously considering removing my dual boot and go full Linux. I only use it like once every 2 months and it takes up precious space.
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    Windows is now a verb lol 🤣
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    This has plagued me forever. Unfortunately, I have several windows environment clients. I can consistently be 2 - 3x more productive in a Linux environment.
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    I'm a developer and designer, got both skills (learned design at school then code by myself since years now). The only true thing that makes me stay on Windows is that ol' good Photoshop... In a parallel universe / utopian future, there is a proprer and official Linux version and I changed my os since more than 10 years with no regret at all. But in this life i'm still on Windows because of Adobe. Had a Mac for a while, was a better environment for sure, but the shit is broken now, and a new one would cost a lot so I've no other choice than Windows if I want to use PS everyday.

    And please just dont tel me about The Gimp, the ux is shit compared to Photoshop. Everytime someones says both software are the same it's someone that does not understand how to use it... It's like you're a JS developer and JS dont work on your OS so everyone comes with his own advice "use Java dude, you can do the same things with it"...

    Fuck The Gimp. Fuck Adobe too.

    Unless there is a modern alternative ?
  • 1
    @Masta as for modern alternatives, give Gimp 2.9 a try? 🙃😀
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    Of course, if you use a platform where there are no games you'll be more productive
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