
I had plugged in my Android phone to the PC, browsed files from internal storage, Ctrl + X'ed some files from there, Ctrl + V'ed them to the desktop. Nothing special.

Bang. Files travelled to another dimension, absolutely gone from the original location, with no trace or them or any notification.

Who thought it would be a good idea to delete stuff before making sure it's been successfully transfered first?

Fuck you Windows.

Also, hello, its my first rant but I've been lurking devRant for a while now. Loving it here.

  • 2
    Walcome! (or welcome, whatever)
  • 5
    Well your fault for cutting and not copying. That's not windows fault.
  • 5

    Definitely not a tiniest bit of a fault on their side for implementing a data-raping feature?
  • 2
    Try something like this with Ubuntu/MacOS !
  • 0
    @Wiciaki If you say so. I'd tell tell you to check the temp folder but the files are probably already gone.
  • 1
    Cltr + X is to cut and paste !? Are u using a pc for the first time ? O.o
  • 0
    Now you now know why never cut. Once i cut a 100gb file to a nother disk only to find it corrupted in the middle. Cutting is fine on the same disk. It is not a good idea for separate devices.
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