
Okay, I never said that.

  • 12
    There should be an answer saying:
    "Stick it in my ear because that's how you use USB right? Or butt? I don't care..."

    Because that's the kind of people they seem to be aimed at 😄
  • 2
    Which app is this?
  • 4
    It's from my company's internal annual security training link
  • 1
    I would put it in a machine which I have for testing virusses.
  • 3
    @Codex404 careful - you never know what you get
  • 1
    @pain ah its just old hardware. Whivh would have been thrown away if I didnt take it.
  • 1
    The reason to not leave it there is twofold:

    If there was really a lost memory, confidental data could end up in the wrong hands.
    If it is an deliberate intrusion attempt, someone else might fall for the trap.
    Also that means the company can prepare itself for a impeding attack.

    If you like smash the USB and throw it in dustbin, company might suffer a later attack that could have been prevented if somebody was keen enough to report the attack.

    Thats also why some security tests for internal comany report a failure if you answer "Delete it" (and not "Report it to IT") on "You received a mail that ask you to click an link to restore access to a company internal account".

    However, if you as a private person, gets a phishing mail or find a USB on the street, then the answer "Delete it" or for the USB, "Leave it there so the original owner can find it" is viable.
  • 0
    "Turn any device you found into your IT [department]..."

    As sebastian said, you don't just abandon it there.
  • 1
    What's the link?
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