I'll be honest I don't feel confortable emailing my adress just for some laprtop stickers.

Or maybe I'm just otherthinking it.

  • 2
    Niet. Nein. Nope.
    You did not over think. Your home is now going to be raided by a lunatic orange bastard ape đŸ‘º wearing a human's skin as clothing.
    Last I heard​, he fooled an entire country and fucked everyone up real real bad.
  • 2
    Had the same and then said fuck it because awesome stickers! Honestly though, I do understand you!
  • 0
    ask for pgp encryption

  • 0
    I wouldn't recommend this, last one sent his address to @dfox got his wifi password cracked. Just my two cents brother
  • 0
    Hash it in Caesar Cipher and rotate it. And then email it to them. Hahaha
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