
Is it just me or is word processing and the entire office suite on Linux platforms absolutely horrendous ? 😫😟

  • 3
    I can confirm that Linux has the most bollocked up set of office suits that I have ever come across
  • 2
    Nope... not just you. Chronically awful set of choices across the platform.
  • 3
    I am hooked on google's tools. Don't even use Office anymore.
  • 2
    Google Docs, Sheets and Slides are nice (and the exact same on every platform) and I tend to use them most, but I also don't have anything specifically against LibreOffice
  • 0
    I use LibreOffice, but there are at least 2 others. I don't like any of them, but I don't do much word processing.
  • 0
    Thanks @eraqee. Looks great. Will give it a try
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