Ok, so I don't work yet and so I've never had to deal with any clients but based on the rants i have read this is how stupid I imagine most of them are.

Dev: Hey, would you like a chocolate bar?
Client: Yeah, sure.
Dev: here:
*hands chocolate bar over*
*client holds it in his hands, opens it and eats it*
Client: Tastes great
Dev: Ok, nice. So about the payment of the project...
*Clients face is swollen and he falls to the ground*
Dev: uhh, what are you doing?
Client *coughing*: Were.. were there nuts in the chocolate bar?
Dev: uhmm, yes. didn't you look at it?
Client: why didn't you tell me??!?!?!? I am allergic to nuts!!
Dev: uhh, I didn't know that. But srsly, did you not look at the wrapping of the fucking chocolate bar??!
Client: I am going to sue you!! You will go to prison!
Dev: Fuck off *leaves the room*

Image of the chocolate bar:

  • 30
    I guess that client is... Total nuts

    Badum tss
  • 3
    If they were from Rio, they were a Brazil nut.
  • 2
    Why is it in Russian....?
  • 13
    Yep you've got the right idea. I think of it as a toddler that wants a cookie but doesn't know the words yet on how to ask for one.

    A new dev might offer them other treats until they find the right one. Then they will offer every flavour and get stuck while they try to decide.

    Experienced devs will give them rainbow chocolate chip, tell them it's special and unique, charge more of they want more options. Then they will enjoy that cookie and brag about it to their friends.
  • 2
    @isaacWeisberg it was the only picture I could find
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