Being smart but not applying yourself is the same as being stupid.
I've been having a rough semester , as I sat around and played video games for the first few weeks.
Ever since I stopped gaming I started doing more code stuff, and getting things done.
In hindsight, I probably shouldve stopped gaming when the semester started.
What are your guys experience with this? What stratergies do you use for time management?

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    I handled the gaming problem with my love for high-end graphics and little money. Now every game which can run on my laptop(gtx 950m) is very disappointing and I haven’t played any games for about six months.

    The problem is not gaming, the priblem is that you have money for it.👍
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    @just-basic-user thanks, also have you written some cuda yet?
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    My entire life is being smart and not applying myself...
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    @dumpling No, my knowledge for GPUs and GPU related programming is very little.
    What is it(google doesn’t tell much)?
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    Mostly (for me at least) it always came down to self discipline and a certain way of living.

    When you plan your time for certain specific things and stick with it things become easier.

    Sencondly, i do a lot of fitness (combined with proper sleep etc...). The right balance of hormones and an overall fit body makes annoying and boring or just about any MUCH more bearable.

    Those 2 worked for me.
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    @just-basic-user search cuda PDF and click the first PDF that says basics, it's really cool
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    @dumpling Cool, thanks!
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    Chunking. You gotta put stuff in to achievable chunks. But I gotta 2.7 gpa so it’s just an opinion.
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    I also struggle with it too but what helps to break your day up into time blocks of stuff you need/want to do and some fun/free time in between
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