I'm a pre-final year student, have recently bagged a summer internship in Microsoft (will begin after 10 months) , since I've got a lot of time in my hand I'm trying to explore the options I have ahead, it could be Enterprenuership, could be Machine Learning, could be open-source, could be research.

I would love to have some career advice, or just your thoughts on how you would choose if given a chance to be at my place, I know it's me who'll have to choose finally, but I'm seriously in need of some help.

Thanks :)

  • 1
    Learn anything you can, expand your existing skills. If you really want to focus on something new, I would work on machine learning/AI since MS has a huge hard on for it right now.
  • 0
    Thank you, I'll be starting with open-source contributions and yeah mostly on the lines of ML and AI :)
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