I don't understand how Facebook can restrict my account when I'm following *their official guide* to make a WhatsApp bot (which entails creating a business manager account and all that tralala) which basically makes it impossible to continue through the guide to get the WhatsApp bot to do what I want it to do (I only got as far as having it send a demo text and set up some of the account BS).

Needless to say, I went for the Discord bot approach and got it to do what I needed.

  • 1
    Facebook is still a thing?

    On a serious note though, yes, any big company like that will pull whatever crap it wants. It won't give a toss if it goes against its own guidance.
  • 0
    @swifterresort That's good to know. Thanks for the insight.
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    @ostream Would you use IRC on a phone in a park? Have you made a bot that allows you to instruct it either in a channel or when messaging it directly?

    It's ridiculous you think Discord users are paying a premium price to use it (I'm using it completely for free).
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