
Hello! A tiny update on the privacy site thingy. (linuxxx here yas).

I've finished the preview page (description of what will be on the site really) and slowly preparing for deployment.
In the mean time, since @ewpratten is very busy at the moment, I'm giving the frontend part a shot myself! Working on the general layout/presentation right now and I will show a preview as soon as I have anything solid enough to show :).

Also working on the custom CMS which is going well!

I am kind of hestitant to publish the preview page because I am not a frontender and I know that I'll get all criticism on here so please, please go easy on me! Also, just in general, if you find any kind of flaws in the web app or wherever, please report them to me! As for frontend, I won't fix anything because I've got bigger priorities (like creating the actual site itself xD) but general feedback would be appreciated :). And as I said, I'm a backender so don't judge me too hard on the frontend!

Alright now let's gather some courage to actually publish this thing 😅

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    @gitpush, @404response, @Jilano, @QueenMorgana, @Wack, @niederschlag, @KidLaser and the rest I forgot (sorries)
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    @Gerrymandered I'll post the link for the preview page later on tonight!
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    Go get 'em @linuxxx & @ewpratten(as soon as he's done lacking 😃), make that frontend your bitch!! Looking forward to whatever you two have conjured up so far, stay confident guys!
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    the one night i have to sleep early, fuck you buddy
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    @BindView I'll mention you in the comment with the link! Glad to see that you're 'looking forward to it' though!
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    @BindView how dare you talk to senpai like that! You'd better pop a molly or something boi, this preview is gonna be worth losing sleep over.
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    Right now I am struggling myself through bootstrap docs but I'm slowly getting there :)
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    @KidLaser Thanks for the encouragement xD. @BindView you'll see it tomorrow :). and @KidLaser, don't expect too much, it's a once page thingy which explains the concepts of the site but hey, at least you'll get an idea of what's coming and I'll post screenshots of frontend stuffs as soon as I can!
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    @linuxxx You'll get it soon enough, and when you do you'll realize bootstrap is child's-play compared to the rest of your skillset.
    You got this, stay focused - so maybe stay away from devRant for awhile?
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    @linuxxx I know what it is, I'm just psyched as shit 😆
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    @KidLaser Thanks! Yeah was about to close it for at least like an hour or something haha!
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    Just came back for a second to comment/tag @QueenCodeslut in, she's deffo worth mentioning as well!
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    @linuxxx I tell myself that all the time, good luck and god-speed senpai. Btw you don't need to worry about referencing my name when you do post an update, I've got you on my radar lol.
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    @KidLaser Fair enough haha, I'll take that as a compliment!
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    Nice! Can't wait to see the page :)
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    @KidLaser @BindView @404response @Gerrymandered and everyone else, hereby the preview page: https://privacy-preview.initd.nl/ (again, don't judge me on frontend, it doesn't look that great so yah)
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    @Gerrymandered Gotta have funny easter eggs, right!
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    @linuxxx @ewpratten I'm so wet senpai, your frontend is making me feel so lewd lol.
    For real though it looks great, you had me thinking you guys had no idea what you were doing haha. Keep it up, also is that the color scheme you guys are sticking with?
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    @KidLaser No clue about the color scheme yet!
    And nahh we k ow what we're doing but just at a basic level as for front end :)
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    @linuxxx Nice. I hope for a different color scheme.
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    I don't have anything against the color-scheme personally, it reminds me of a friendly little wildlicious berry poptart lol.
    Anyways I tested the site on a few phones and played around with browser sizes on my laptop. As far as the responsiveness goes - you did pretty well @linuxxx & @ewpratten , not that I expected anything less from senpai ;)
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    @KidLaser It runs on bootstrap so resizeability should be good enough! Thanks for the testing 😊
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    Yup and will continue to do so as the site progresses! I did find a small issue with the 'Learn more' buttons responsiveness when shrinking my laptops browser but aside from that it's looking great on my phone screens(which is weird considering my screen sizes were larger than that of my browsers size when the button started going outside the parent div)

    ***href="smartass"*** lmfao!
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    @linuxxx Remind me on this thing as well pls
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    What a great start for my day, thanks @linuxxx 😀
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    @linuxxx @ewpratten I don't see a license for your code and I know you're pretty cool about open source but I still feel I should - would you mind if I played around with it for a bit just to try out some different themes or layout ideas or anything along those lines. I wouldn't be hosting the code anywhere or anything like that not even on github. I just want to mess around with it locally and maybe show you guys some new ideas/concepts in the process.

    (Edit: plus it gives me an excuse for getting away from Foundation for a sec and fiddling around with Bootstrap again)
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    @linuxxx the @QueenCodeslut has changed her name to @MissDirection again.
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    You've done good so far! Keep it up (:
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    how in the hell did you manage to go out of the row
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    @linuxxx looks great! Do you plan to open source this thing? (Sorry if you already stated it and I overlooked it)
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    @fun2code Nah not mad! As I said, not going to change that page as it's not a high priority but will keep your stuff in mind for the actual site, thanks!
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    @KidLaser Wouldn't mind at all! Although I slowly have to get ready for work, I'll get in touch with you this evening!
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    @BindView Haha idk, just about not very much front end experience :P
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    @linuxxx noyce! Been following this project's progress. How does one contribute guides?
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    @LrdShaper As soon as I've got something working at all I'll post more info!
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    this reminds me that i gotta write an article about how i switched to open source softwares, if you wanna feature it, i can translate to english
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    @ewpratten 😮
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    @ewpratten I'm creating a kinda different design yeah 😅. Can already give you a preview tonight! Not decided on the color scheme yet though but the layout looks good imo!
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    Is your custom CMS built on some framework? If yes, what framework and why did you coose it?
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    I literally just woke up an hour ago and slapped this together, it's by no means a finished concept - just a step in a different direction.
    @fun2code I'm also no frontend pro but I did find this to be a little darker of a theme for a privacy-based feel lol. What do you think?
    Maybe I should play around with some more light-greys, but I'm not tampering with the layout at all until they release another preview tonight.
    Oh and the 'learn more' button turns orange when hovered over 😛
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    @KidLaser it kind of bugs me, that the team section has a small border. I'd suggest to either remove the border or have the divs background filled.
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    @Wack A fill might be nice but what if you just thickened the borders a bit, padded the text a bit more(maybe add some more content to it as well), and perhaps finish it off with a nice shadow effect? Of course I would probs add a shadow to the avatars and that purple div as well...I'm not sure I haven't played around with it much since this morning. Thanks for the feedback though I'm sure the they're reading this and getting something slightly helpful from it 😆
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    Oh also removing the borders might actually work as well...oops sorry, I kinda skipped past that when reading your comment 😅
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    @balaianu Nope. As I'm also seeing this as an opportunity to learn new stuff myself, I'm building it from scratch. Will be MVC based though :)
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    @linuxxx Oh, this sounds cool! Are you gonna open source it after it's done? I am curious to see what it would look like, maby even contribute to it.

    I've been meaning to try something like this for a while, but didn't have the hearth to start it :P

    Well, if you are interested, let me know, maby I can help...
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    @balaianu Want to yeah although I'm anxious about people finding my code shit :P. Have been burned into the ground by multiple people before so yah haha
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    @linuxxx Well, I don't judge people for theyr code, mine is not that good that I can look people down :))

    I consider it better to try and learn from others and teach them if I see they struggle... Judgmental bastards really annoy me :P
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    @linuxxx Happy to provide feedback if you like.
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    @nblackburn Feedback on the code, I've got my own style so won't change much properly but on the site etc I'd def do appreciate that!
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    @linuxxx Sure, let me know when you have something to look at.
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