Just a reminder that it’s ok to cry about anything ur brain wants to cry about

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    No bro. We are men. If we cry especially in public we will definitely loose the impression.

    I know we don't have to care what others think about us. But deep down all of us enslaved to the environment we are in.

    Post Pandemic : Survival of the fittest
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    @sandeepbalan only if you let yourself be enslaved.

    Fuck the system if the system is bad.
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    @IntrusionCM Alright. let us exchange some interesting thoughts about it

    Consider something common that you can do nothing about.

    Almost every country's politics is corrupted more or less. We can do nothing about that
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    @sandeepbalan You can choose a different party in elections.

    Even if the party doesn't win... You changed something.

    To just refuse to change at all because there are things in life you cannot influence is just giving up.
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    No, only girls have that luxury. We are men. We have responsibilities, we got work to do, family to feed. Regardless of how you feel you need to keep moving not sit down and cry.
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    Only weaklings can't afford to show weakness because they're so insecure.
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    @chonky-quiche let's go.
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    Guys who keep crying are the ones usually depressed. Also ones to change their gender. Also ones to become a school shooter.
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    @jassole usually it's the ones who don't deal with their emotions who go crazy...
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    @IntrusionCM wrong. Stoic men are aware of their emotions and know how to keep in control.

    Usually the ones who can't control it like that tranny school shooter and elliot rodger, and that chinese virginia tech shooter.
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    @jassole sounds like u don’t know how to control your emotions based on ur highly emotional responses…

    Also - where u at? If ur gym organizes a fight I’ll 100% show and help setup for it. I’m down for MMA or Muay Thai rules
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    @chonky-quiche says the guy who wants to cry and is looking for validation from other soy-boys. LMAO
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    Big girls don't cry. 👀

    The society seems to promote depression and insanity tbh.
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    @jassole so u don’t wanna fight?
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    Cry all you want whenever you want. Keep your emotional health healthy
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    For anyone that says adults can’t cry - go fuck yourself.

    Tell that to every successful human being that has bold enough to cry on television or in public after a huge win or loss. To tell yourself to not cry is a rebellion against who you really are. You are just putting on a face to pretend like you are fine, and that is just sad.
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    It’s kinda funny to think about, caring so much what other people think that you can’t express normal human emotions, or consume soy products 😂Call it stoicism, it’s just insecurity
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