
I really don't understand why tabs vs spaces is such a big issue. I mean does anyone actually use spaces? I mean I don't think ANY developer would use spaces when you have tabs!

  • 2
    *LOL* I actually quite recently read an article on this, stating that devs who use space instead of tabs have higher wages in average. Dunno why, and they couldn't quite explain it in the article neither. I am myself in the low-income tier of tab devs ;D
  • 2
    I use Tabs for normal everyday languages where formatting doesn’t actually matter at a compilation level, at the end of the day the compiler couldn’t care less.

    Spaces for YAML files, Python and similar where something as little as a space can break the file when being parsed for compilation.
  • 3
    The best thing to do is bind the Tab Key to 4 spaces (I write in Python and then PEP8) and using an editor who can delete 4 spaces with one backspace.

    Some example: Vim, PyCharm and other IntelliJ-based (I know they are IDE)
  • 2
    It depends entirely on your tools and environment. If you use one specific tool with good support for tabs, then tab is the way to go. If you, as I do, work with a number of different tools and editors, on both windows and linux, I definitely want spaces, since tabs are treated differently across all theses environments.
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