
Well I just did a SELECT CUNT from a table...
Not sure what to think about that :)

  • 8
    You were a naughty boy 😏
  • 2
    Even worse, during this session I thought I wouldn't be able to optimise the process much, but so far I brought it down from 22 seconds to 15 seconds... And I'm not done with making small optimisations along the way so I guess that's the mindset I need to be in to get good performance :)
  • 6
    Don't be surprise if suddently all your colleagues come to you 😂😂
  • 2
    What's the name of the column that you misspelled with cunt
  • 2
    @greenhouse the function COUNT
  • 2
    I do this all the time - must be something freudian
  • 2
    @jAsE ~14500 😎
  • 0
    @Bikonja lol nice : )
  • 7
    Nice. I create pubic functions sometimes.
  • 1
    @bighead oh yeah, that happened to me as well. I believe there's more, but I can't recall which ones. There's definitely non-dirty ones, but I think there's even more dirty ones.
    It's all good if noone is watching you type and if you catch the mistake before committing changes :)
  • 0
    @Bikonja What kind of optimizations? 0o
  • 0
    @SpectralKH taking a month's worth of data, analysing it and creating a weeks worth of new data based on it. It's a prediction algorithm. Takes historical data and tries to predict what the data will be in the future based on that.
  • 1
    Was it the 'customers' or 'clients' table?
  • 0
  • 2
    We had something called analyzer script in my previous company. I gave it a popular alias. Had to run it once infront of my manager.
  • 0
    any time I have to alias the Countries table with 3 letters in a JOIN
  • 1
    @Bikonja Oooooooh that sounds cool and complicated
  • 1
    @SpectralKH it sounds better than it is :) in reality it's pretty much just support and explaining why things are the way they are, trying to deal with clients not trusting the system, then changing it to match their requirements, then changing it back because they realise that's not good, etc... :)
    If I had the power to just improve it and get feedback without being forced to implement changes that clients want but what I think is best that would be amazing, yeah
  • 0
    Oops, I did it again :)
  • 0
    Did it return you? :O
  • 0
    It returned itself :O
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