
Not owning a mac really does make mac exports really hard to test when you can only run a VM with 128MB of VRAM...

Who would have thought!

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    Instead of a mac you could buy a beastly pc and run a bigger VM :P
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    @ChappIO Wouldn't help haha, no matter how much VRAM i assign the VM it only registers 128MB, I have an 8GB card going to waste!
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    100% native, no VM with Linux and Windows trial-boot.
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    I just created a hackintosh...
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    @just-basic-user Would love to go dual boot with mac but dont think my motherboard is mac os compatible :-/
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    @BigMacca101 there is nearly no incompatible motherboard but there is one who are easier to use than other, for my hackintosh, that i use in production, i use a asus h81mk with an intel i5 4440 with an nvidia gt 710 to make update easier but you can go with integrated one, it may be diffucult first but one it work it bring satisfaction, in my job we have 2 hackintosh (i installed the 2) and at home an y510p running mac os, and it work pretty well
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    @BigMacca101 If you want full gpu hardware acceleration with 6th or 7th gen intel in sierra your bios might need to not be insyde. Also you can forget about your optimus nvidia gpu.

    There are plenty of sites with a lot of tutorials and info.

    I struggled most with the cpu acceleration, m.2 ssd, bluetooth and sound.
    The hard thing was that no one has hackintoshed a toshiba satellite from 2009 so I was on my own.

    I recommend you look for tutorial in the web before buying pc otherwise you will be on your own like me.

    You might ask “Is it worth it?”.
    The answer is yes, my pc is as quiet as a macbook and as fast as 2016 macbook pro but 10x cheaper.
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    @just-basic-user agreed
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    Except you're still stuck using awful OSX on a hackintosh.

    My Ryzen 7 desktop with 64GB DDR4, Linux as host, and 3 graphics cards for full IOMMU passthrough to Windows and OSX KVMs works pretty well 😂

    It was still half the price (about €1k) of my recently bought MacBook Pro, which I gifted to an overjoyed junior dev.

    So naive... he doesn't know yet that it's cursed, that using OSX as main OS slowly devours your soul.
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    I am from eastern europe and my favorite os is macOS.
    I don’t have money for beast pc or macbook.
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    @just-basic-user Holy shit how much tabs did u have open at the same time 😮😮😮
    Ive just about 8 Tabs open at the same time...
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    @Christian1998 That was before few hours. Now they are 2x or 3x times more. Thanks to suspender extension I am not wasting a lot of ram.
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    Or you can use Linux KVM virtual machine and assign the hope directly to the guest os. Google iommu on Linux and GPU passthrough...
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    Tim Cook likes this simple little trick.
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