And now even the meetings I am not invited to are interrupting my work flow. Seriously. I need to collaborate with two people, one of whom is the SME for the piece of code I am working in who just got back from vacation, which he left on after breaking his algorithm because apparently due dilligence is lost on this guy. My other collaborator and I have been fighting this fire for two days. And they both get whisked off into another meeting before I can get ANY information out of any of them. But sure. We're only in a day by day schedule slip. With customers depending on our delivery in order to test their project. I am not work it OT for these fuckers because they decided that having a meeting is more important than. Delivering a damn reliable product.

  • 1
    Play the game. Schedule meetings every morning of the week with your collaborators, then their calenders would appear full. And then they can claim they do not have time for another meeting.
  • 1
    @knuppelsmurf yes, schedule 8 hour coding meetings ;)
  • 0
    @Voxera: yes, that's what they're paying you for, so why not?
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