

I have about a week of holidays left before my classes start and I'm thinking about creating a notepad with password protection and cloud sync so it can be accesed on other devices.

So this is how it will work.
Probably the same interface as windows notepad so no one notices. It can be used to write a personal diary or anything that you don't want other people to know. It will ask for a 4 digit code when you open it(at first you'll see some text, you'll just enter you pin after that text and without pressing enter if you pin is write you'll see the text changes to your previously saved text and if your pin is wrong no error will be displayed itll work as a normal text editor for intruders and probably this wrong pin will be sent to you on you emil with other info). Now even if yoy minimize the window you'll have enter the pin again or even your windows gets out of focus. So you can have it open all the with out worrying.

I'll be using C# for this which I have no experience with. But I'll get it so no problem here.

Provide your feedback on this with some suggestions.

*Sorry I didn't post it on calebs section because I don't have $10.

  • 3
    Then become a supporter for 5$ :p
  • 0
  • 0
    @chiri now you should be able to post in collabs for free :)
  • 0
    Not the place, as you already know mate
  • 1
    You guys really working on it. Post it in Collab and the GitHub link. People might contribute.
  • 0
    I appreciate everyone who want to contribute but as I mentioned that I'm a student and I want to do this prohect alone. I'll post the github link once I have the initial version. At this stage I need your expert suggestions on this.
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