
runbook: go manually dig and check some information, then run some sql on the prod database

Does manually running sql on prod database make anybody else feel nervous and gross?

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    More like "fasten your seatbelts, we're gonna do some racing and drifting, getting some adrenalin pumped"
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    You literally write code that runs sql queries, so why would it feel any different running it directly?

    Use something like MySQL Workbench, idk.
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    just do it!
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    @IntrusionCM you know... i could have really experienced some racing and drifting as a part of my job if not for the closed borders. lol
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    Nope. Nope nope.

    I am very careful when I do.

    Once dropped a prod db and we lost 2 hours of data.

    Just one little slip up and you fucked. And I don't trust me because I'm human.
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    No, there are ways to protect yourself when running queries on a prod database, but it is bound to happen and you should always have backups or clones.
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    Nah but that's cause my clients are all to fuckin stupid to even notice if everything is gone
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