

Today I realised I've been a fucking idiot.
For the last few years I have familiarized myself with libraries like React, VueJS, Preact etc.

All while playing around on my own side projects but when it came to doing actual work (perhaps from a lack of confidence/working experience with them) I always reverted to vanilla js or jQuery because I convinced myself it wasn't the `right` use case or `the project was too simple or small`.


The below screenshot is a prototype of a n invoicing tool I needed to write which uses VueJS and is implemented in 50 beautiful, clean, maintainable loc. Combined with TypeScript it is a dream - never did I think I would see the day where I could grab an inputs numerical value without prepending the variable with + so I don't end up concatenating them as strings.

If your like me and haven't started using some kind of data binding view framework stop procrastinating and just do it. I feel like I wasted a large chunk of my life clinging onto my old ways.

  • 5
    I'll follow your steps with VueJs
    Though I feel bad for the time I spent to understand ReactJs + Redux ...
  • 6
    @gitpush vuejs is actually pretty simple - especially if you are already familiar with React. You just create a template, bind raw data or a model to it and add a method or 2. It only took me about 15 minutes with the docs to get the gist of VueJS. React took at least 2 days to get to a useful level of understanding.
  • 1
    @kurtr Great, luckily tomorrow is Sunday and I have all day :D
  • 8
    @gitpush vue and vuex is best component/centralised state combo ever. You won't regret it :)
  • 0
    @nicholai Thanks for recommending much appreciated :)
  • 0
    Better than angular 4 ?
  • 1
    @kurtr I agree with you. It took me days to understand react+flux/redux. Then a friend of mine suggested that i should try VueJs. And coming from Angular + React helps me to understand Vue easily.
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