
Ugh why is my area so shit for work!

Plenty of work if your a butcher or teacher but can't find anything in the field of IT, not even a bloody computer salesman or call centre position, really shitting me!

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    @PerfectAsshole nope, I'm from Moe in Australia, just a couple hours outside Melbourne, absolutely nothing around here
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    @BigMacca101 ah ok. you're in the same boat I'm in which gives you 3 options: relocate(might not be feasable), remote work(freelance, or get lucky), or capitalize on no competition(websites for small businesses in your area, reseller hosting)
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    @PerfectAsshole exactly haha, except i don't have the knowledge to compete with the already established businesses, would love to work remotely but that's an even harder fish the catch
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    @BigMacca101 well if theres no work at all where you live you can be the shitiest dev in the world and still make money cause people tend to do local business. I think its cause people like face to face interaction on business deals. I don't really understand that personally cause if i can get something done without looking at somebody I'm happy.

    But yeah steady full remote jobs are rare for even devs that have 10 years experiance.
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    @PerfectAsshole seems all jobs require experience that you can't get because no one will hirer you to give you the needed experience 👌
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    Experience is free. Check GitHub. Steal, copy, learn. Then make your own work.
    Small towns are lucrative opportunities as long as you are good at marketing but it may be hard to grow and learn as a Dev. You'll probably always be stuck on low wage too.
    Relocate or work remote?
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