*FourWeeks From Deadline*

Two CoWorkers: "Oh cool, Visual Studio 2017 is out, I am gonna switch"

Breaks the build.

They then tried to spend hours trying to get the project to work on both versions, with no success, then let us know.

I am just glad we use Git

  • 4
    Nah, just them making the project again through 2017 and grabbing the old files, and then committing their branch and merging, caused VS to not know wtf version the project was on, and wouldn't even open. It wasn't too terrible, just thought the "Don't change development tools during development" was common sense at the time
  • 0
    @pixelDev 4 weeks is pretty long. If the project is going to be developed and maintained better to update sooner than later ...

    Honestly, this is the issue with the IDE not the developer updating. I would assum the same code will compile on a newer version of my IDE ...
  • 1
    What moron switches apps in the middle of development
  • 1
    @rusty-hacker Only reason that it was an issue was that it was a multi month project, and we were close to wrapping it up, and had more to do than spend hours making a new version that would not do anything useful for the project.

    Definitely agree to get the newest when you can though
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