
You know what I hate. Salesforce. Why the heck am I working in this crap hole?

  • 1
    integrating web2lead api?
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    Would you rather be using Microsoft CRM?
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    There's this guy in my company who use sharepoint... similar right?
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    But Salesforce is phenomenal, outstanding, amazing!

    (All said in Benioffs voice ;)
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    @ecking yea, it's so powerdul, vast and flexible that its complexity has made it way to difficult to implement. but once u do so, it's amazing.
  • 4
    @amjo the problem is that Salesforce doesn't care enough about developers. They can't even create a good official IDE/plugin
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    @dev0urer true.. my issue is documentation... you go on a wild goose chase.. i still am running around like a headless chicken
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