I'm done win10. Was updating 5 different games when windows restarts without having said anything yey let's update those 10 gb again. F*ck you windows

  • 6
    I don't get all the Windows 10 hate. I have it on my current loaner laptop and it gives me zero issues. Yeah, the updating stuff is annoying but you can control that. As for privacy, we have none anyway so fuck it. To me, Windows 7 is slower on the same machine.
  • 3
    @dev-ant @MissDirection have to admit it was the first time it happened but it pissed me off very hard. Not used to this since using mac mainly
  • 3
    @bcye I just came from a Mac actually, so my Windows knowledge is limited. Only been using it a month or so. But so far, so good.
  • 2
    I only boot into windows when I want to play over watch
  • 2
    @bcye I need to get that game!
  • 3
    @MissDirection indeed. It's perfect
  • 1
    @dontbeevil wasn't for update
  • 2
    @dontbeevil nope it just suddenly restarted
  • 2
    @Jop- I was not aware of that. Thank you!
  • 0
    @bcye I'm almost certainly sure that it was one of the game updates that restarted the machine, not Windows.
  • 1
    I think the problem with Windows sits 40cm in front of the screen, most of the time..! Imo
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