
ok people where is the gender equality??? why do people assume that im studying tourism when its so clear that i am not
cant a girl be a programmer and not the girly ground stewardess checking-in the baggages at the airport?

programming isnt only for men. women can also be great developers because we can be as capable as men. people need to stop the stereotypes jeez

  • 14
    And actually in the early days, it was mainly women in the job. And one of the most important ones was Grace Hopper.
  • 7
    Well it is less common for women to join our profession like how there are not many men who are early childhood teachers but there is no reason why you cannot be capable. Where I live there does not seem to be this discrimination on gender but hopefully your country is not too backward. Good luck.
  • 1
    @cr78 I would prefer a move to decenthumanbeings
  • 7
    Could be that it's just unusual, because it is. There's no reason a woman couldn't be a programmer but it just doesn't happen too often so that's not the first guess people make about your profession if you're a woman. Kind of makes sense.
    Same as kindergarden teacher is not the first guess for men and if you are one, people act surprised.
  • 6
    @plusgut sudo mv /programmers/male/sexistassholes/plusgut /programmers/male/decenthumanbeings
  • 3
    A female friend of mine studied tourism, then she realised she wouldn't have fun in a job doing that.
    So now she's learning web development.
  • 2
    @cr78 ./bothgenders/[...]
  • 2
    @Lahsen2016 "wamen"? 😂
  • 0
    @nickj which country/city are you in?
  • 3
    @bananataco barcelona, spain

    @SoulSkrix well most of my friends dropped out of school and theyre girls. they decided to enroll in a tourism program and after that, they started working at the airport as ground stewardess. now, whenever someone asks me if im still studying, they automatically assume im also into tourism because of those girls. meanwhile my friends who are boys are studying engineering, web development, computer science... and stuff about technology. that doesnt mean i cant be into that field too right? xD
  • 2
    One of the best developers at my company was a woman. Sadly she left this year. It is mainly a man's world nowadays, but the women programmers I've known were all kickass
  • 1
    We have a girl intern developer in our team that is as capable as junior full-time dev. And she works on client projects.

    Aaaand she is PhD candidate in computer vision.

    No prejudice against prettier gender in my company, I assure you...
  • 2
    @sinisas omg PhD candidate, she is so talented. hope she becomes more successful
  • 2
    @nickj We never picked a candidate based on anything else except two factors: personality and skill level.

    But fact is that out of 10 CVs we receive, only 1-2 are female.
  • 1
    Simply my first programming teacher was female and she is exceptional , but I am still to find someone (female) who is as good at programming at my level .

    It's just that less females are taking the job doesn't mean there should be any kind of discrimination .
  • 0
    @nickj what do you think are the reasons for the low percentage of female developers?
  • 1
    @plusgut no patience towards coding and developing lol
  • 0
    @nickj so you are saying that women are less patient in general? I doubt it.
  • 1
    @plusgut naah, not everyone tbh. depends on the person. women are more patient on other things. doesnt mean theyre less patient
  • 3
    @nickj I once went for a job interview and the security guard was actually a girl..and she asked me if it wasn't unusual for girls to be computer geeks... O.o Fuck logic!
  • 0
    I thought it was because women have tiny brains like mice.

    *sits down and gets the popcorn out*

    Let the madness begin

  • 1
    *joins @SSDD to see if anyone takes it seriously*
  • 0
  • 1
    @SSDD you didn't read the hitchickers guide to the galaxy, riiiiight?? xD
  • 0
    @sladuled ice cream?
  • 1
    @sladuled I haven't actually. Have I stumbled across a reference?
  • 1
    @SSDD hahaha kinda...mice are extensions of superinteligent species into our world.. they are the one actually studying us.. read it, it's cool!! ;)
  • 1
    @sinisas yup xD live it!! 😍😍😍😍
  • 0
    @sladuled odakle si sestro? :)
  • 1
    @sinisas pa slovenija xD ti?
  • 0
    @sladuled Srbija :) moje poštovanje!
  • 1
    Por alguna razon pense que en España y sobretodo en la hermosa Barcelona la gente seria de mente mas abierta! Either way, never take that sexist old school way of thinking shit and do whatever you want!
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