
My biggest hurdle:
Having to install Windows because some old application only runs on Windows.
No, i do not want to sign in.

Installer: How about signing in?

Edit: Now it asks me about privacy options. As if i even had a choice..

  • 6
    Ok, just realised that tons of bloatware is shipped with Windows (Autodesk, "Keeper",...) but there is no Solitaire anymore..
    Who even uses this
  • 1
    Actually, stock Windows has little to none bloatware. Seems like you either have an OEM or a pirated version which could be modified. Solitaire is available on the store.
  • 2
    I downloaded the Stock USB ISO from Microsofts Website, and I just found this: https://reddit.com/r/Windows10/...

    Edit: Looks like since the anniversary update, there is something called "Content Delivery Manager", which silently diwnloads bloatware.
  • 1
    You can turn off the invasive tracking options with check boxes I think?

    Let me rephrase that: you can uncheck some things related to privacy in the hopes that they actually do something instead of just having a 'checked' value turned on or off in a database 😅
  • 0
    The Solitaire thing was a joke, and I found the Option to create an offline Account, it just annoyed me that they ask over and over again.

    And I don't like the preinstalled apps from Apple either, but if you like it, i haveno Problem with that and I don't want to argue about operating Systems. (I am using Arch Linux on which i only installed what i wanted to install)
  • 0
    @linuxxx Any proof or just guessing
  • 0
  • 0
    @linuxxx On MS not following your instructions on which data it may collect.
  • 0
    And you can also only "disable" few things from what they read according to their privacy policy.
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