
My father's PC is almost dead.
The PSU is damaged and it turns on correctly 1 time out of 250 or more.
There are days that he tries to turn it on at 8am, and it can finally use it at 8pm.

Also the other HW components are old, so I tried to convince him to buy a new PC, there was an offer where they also give you for free a new 24 inches monitor (now he has a fucking 19 inches old one).
But he doesn't want to invest in a PC.
Even if he spends almost the entire day by surfing on internet and watching movies!

So, I recommended him to change only the PSU, the same identical model costs only €39.
But he doesn't want to invest in it... he prefers to lose the entire day trying to use his fucking PC.

I really don't understand why some people just don't want to spend a bit to improve their life!
The comfort is worth it... the time of life you're wasting to use that fucking PC is more important than €39.

I tried different times to find other possible issues, but it's clearly a PSU problem, so obviously I can't fix it using magic.
Not in my father's opinion... "You don't know anything about computer science... nothing! Go to your fucking university (I'm studing Computer Engineering), and study how to fix it!".
While he was saying that sentence, he was beating the case, because he's convinced that it's a better way to fix it.

I want to leave this fucking house right now.

  • 6
    Meh, that sucks.
    If he wants no new hardware that's fine.
    But a damaged PSU might cause further damage to the other connected hardware and can be a fire hazard. (Although it seldom happens.)
    Give him the graphic details.

    Also, don't let him discourage you.
  • 1
    @JS96 I know this is totally irelevant, but you shouldn't have done it
  • 8
    Just buy that PSU "as a gift" and change it. Everybody will be happy. If your dad doesn't want to invest in PC then you should invest in your dad.
  • 5
    @beriba not bad idea.
    It's so obvious but I didn't think about that. Thanks. :)
  • 1
    @JS96 you're welcome :)
  • 4
    I'd swap the psu and said "I fixed it" :)
  • 7
    I ordered it 😋
  • 1
    Can't tell if i should be hoping other components get damaged in order to teach him a lesson 😂 but on a real he should really buy a new psu.
  • 2
    Dismantle the PSU and look for a short circuit (maybe it's just a lot of dust) or perhaps it's a blown capacitor or damaged wire. At this point you can't really make it worse :p
  • 1
    Unplug the psu, dismantle it, check the resistances and capacitors for burn signals, check the one showing burn signals or lose wielding with a voltmeter / multimeter, replace it if damaged. Could cost like 1$
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